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Wi-Fi Alliance certification is awarded to vendor's CGM4981 gateway.
January 19, 2022
ATLANTA – On January 11, 2022, Technicolor Connected Home was the first Customer Premises Equipment manufacturer to receive the Wi-Fi Alliance’s Wi-Fi 6E device certification for its CGM4981 gateway. This certification allows the company’s network service provider (NSP) customers around the globe to offer subscribers the reliability, coverage and performance associated with the Wi-Fi 6E standard.
Wi-Fi 6E is an important step forward in the industry’s objective to help consumers cope with dense wireless environments. As the home becomes a central point of work, entertainment and education for families around the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wi-Fi 6E-compliant CPE -- such as Technicolor Connected Home’s innovative CGM4981 gateway -- delivers the gigabit speed and performance necessary to support multiple users and simultaneous usages throughout the home.
This is the latest development in Technicolor Connected Home’s ongoing commitment to leveraging open and innovative technologies for NSPs around the world. The ultimate goal is to help NSPs deliver seamless connectivity and premium entertainment experiences to consumers by creating best-in-class CPE and partnering with the most innovative companies in the connected home ecosystem.
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