SpiderCloud is expecting LTE small cells to be deployed with enterprise users in 2014, and says it is currently engaged in a number of 4G trials.
Ronny Haraldsvik, the chief marketing officer at SpiderCloud Wireless , tells Light Reading that its boxes are now in six trials with carriers, which in turn would use the small cells to provide services to their enterprise customers. He expects Spidercloud's SCRN-310 product, which can support LTE and 3G on separate bands, will be commercially delivered in the second or third quarter. (See SpiderCloud's New Web: Dual-Mode 4G LTE.)
"We are using our first-gen LTE Radio Node [the SCRN-210, announced in the Fall of 2012] for the trials… but the 310 will be the most likely product used for commercial LTE/3G deployments," Haraldsvik notes.
The 210 has the same LTE capability as the 310, he adds, so can be used for 4G-only deployments.
The vendor currently has an announced deal with Vodafone Netherlands . Haraldsvik notes that operators are often cautious about publicly revealing vendor deals. (See Vodafone Deploys SpiderCloud's Small Cells.)
Nonetheless, Haraldsvik believes that "this is the year" for enterprise small cells. These SpiderCloud units are distinct from public access small cells because they can use the Ethernet connections already installed at business premises and so are less likely to require new backhaul connections. (See How Heavy Reading Called Small Cells Right and Top 6 Small Cells Movers & Shakers.)
— Dan Jones, Mobile Editor, Light Reading