London -- At IBC 2019, Synamedia, the world’s largest independent video software provider, will unveil enhancements to its security portfolio that help combat the evolving threat from hyper-distributed piracy in the age of infinite entertainment.
Synamedia’s Streaming Piracy Disruption managed service features a single workflow across both broadcast and IP streaming for easy and comprehensive security management on any distribution and delivery network. Also new is the ability to disrupt leaks immediately without waiting for third-party takedown. Synamedia also offers an effective way for its Infinite customers to convert viewers of pirated content to legitimate subscribers by replacing basic takedown warnings with notices that encourage viewers to sign up, resulting in new revenue streams.
Another highlight from Synamedia will be Intelligent Piracy Monitor for Streaming Piracy Disruption customers. Unlike other analytics services that only use standard web site crawling techniques, Synamedia offers deeper intelligence about piracy from its world-class Operational Security (OpSec team). This gives customers a detailed analysis of the nature and scale of the problem and the impact of anti-piracy initiatives.
Also new from Synamedia’s OpSec team is an anti-piracy service for any content owner wishing to deepen its understanding of pirates’ activities. This new service leverages significant investment in Synamedia’s forensics lab with a focus on reverse engineering, as well as an expanded team that comprises psychology and criminology experts working alongside engineers, intelligence analysts, cyber- and field-investigators.
Synamedia is also unveiling enhancements to its award-winning Credentials Sharing Insight, which helps combat both casual and for-profit credentials sharing and turn casual account sharing into incremental revenues. New security responses for compromised accounts are tailored differently for the account owner and the accounts sharers.
At IBC, Synamedia will also highlight its platform-agnostic approach by showcasing deployments on RDK, Android TV and Synamedia Evo. Synamedia has pre-integrated its security software into set-top boxes from Android TV ecosystem partners including Sagemcom and Arris, helping customers accelerate their time to market. Synamedia’s security software is also deployed on Vodafone Deutschland’s GigaTV service running on RDK devices, and on its Evo platform at a large number of customers worldwide.