Radcom Tests TCP Security
Radcom adds support for multi-mode TCP security testing to its SIP simulation solution
July 31, 2003
TEL AVIV, Israel -- RADCOM Ltd. (NASDAQ: RDCM), a leading network test and quality management solutions provider, today announced the addition of multi-mode TCP security support in its award-winning SIP Simulation solution. With the emerging dominance of SIP as the enabling protocol for advanced services such as Presence, Instant Messaging and video telephony, security issues surrounding TCP as the transport layer are of growing concern.
To help its customers address security requirements, RADCOM partnered with a leading manufacturer of VoIP network devices and developed powerful SIP simulation over TCP capabilities. Available in all three TCP modes, Persistent, (Port) Re-use and Non-Persistent, RADCOM's SIP solution suite now simulates thousands of calls over the TCP transport layer giving vendors the ability to validate security, performance and functionality of SIP-based devices.
"As SIP continues to become the de facto standard for VoIP call control, the question remains as to how the SIP call control messages are transported. Even though UDP is appropriate and sufficient for the transport of VoIP payloads, the control messages benefit from the assured delivery of TCP. Consequently, as more manufacturers of VoIP gear migrate to transporting SIP over TCP, there is a strong need for test equipment that supports TCP, especially for stress testing both for throughput and for security issues. Additionally, not all TCP is the same, so all modes of TCP are necessary for testing message sources from sources that are assumed to be legitimate - and from those that may have malicious intent", said Steven Taylor, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of Webtorials.
TCP is a prerequisite to Transport Layer Security (TLS) implementation. Each of the three TCP modes provides a different method of managing connection behavior. By supporting all three modes in its SIP Simulation suite, RADCOM has laid the foundation for broad support of comprehensive TLS testing.
Radcom Inc.
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