HILLSBORO, Ore. -- Radisys Corporation (NASDAQ: RSYS), a leading provider of embedded wireless infrastructure solutions, today announced the addition of a carrier-grade network appliance platform based on server class Intel processors to its rich portfolio of telecom products. Radisys' new RMS-220 is the first embedded solution that enables Telecom Equipment Manufacturers (TEMs) to better address the unique requirements of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and networking applications by delivering a flexible design combined with powerful processing technology.
Network operators are turning to DPI-based and network monitoring applications such as policy enforcement, lawful intercept security, network probe and others in order to optimize bandwidth while monetizing their network. TEMs need breadth and scalability in their solution to address these requirements. RMS-220 further strengthens Radisys' platform portfolio to deliver both, allowing TEMs the platform breadth and scalability to deploy across access, edge and core networks.
The Radisys RMS-220 provides TEMs with a 2U high, 20-inch deep form factor that delivers a unique combination of flexibility and serviceability. The innovative design includes front input/output (I/O) that also supports Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) guidelines and dual server class Intel processors.
Radisys Corp. (Nasdaq: RSYS)