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France Telecom to trial Nortel optical solution for metro networks
July 14, 2000
PARIS -- France Telecom plans to test dense wave-division multiplexing (DWDM) technology for delivery of next generation services using a market-leading metropolitan Optical Internet solution from Nortel Networks* [NYSE/TSE: NT].
The companies have signed a Letter of Intent to deploy the Nortel Networks OPTera* Metro 5200 Multi-service Platform for a two-month trial. Full deployment could ultimately enable France Telecom to offer new services to large customers in France and across Europe. France Telecom anticipates live testing in a corporate customer environment as early as September.
Instrumental in France Telecom's decision to trial was the industry-leading capacity of Nortel Networks' optical solutions. High-capacity optical networking is revolutionizing the range of services an operator can offer - from high-speed Internet services to voice, data and video transmission. OPTera Metro 5200 can position France Telecom to guarantee the highest levels of quality and reliability for all high-performance applications.
This optical trial further solidifies the long-term relationship between Nortel Networks and France Telecom. France Telecom has previously selected many Nortel Networks products, and is currently trialing Nortel Networks Succession* solution.
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