Coherent Pluggable Optics: A 2023 Heavy Reading Survey
This white paper is based on Heavy Reading’s 2023 Coherent Optics Survey results. This year’s study focuses on all aspects of coherent pluggables, from 100G to 800G and from traditional architectures to IP over DWDM.
February 13, 2024
Heavy Reading launched its first Coherent Optics Market Leadership Program in 2021 to investigate the opportunities and challenges in coherent optics. Year 3 of the coherent optics project focuses specifically on the future of coherent pluggables and includes all aspects of network systems and architectures built around coherent pluggable optics, including IPoDWDM.
This white paper is based on Heavy Reading’s 2023 results. It provides the industry’s most in-depth look at the current state and future trajectory of coherent optical transmission and covers the following topics:
Coherent pluggables adoption strategies
Features and performance
IP over DWDM architectures
Coherent optical edge
Coherent 800G pluggable optics
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