Chicago was home to two big events for women in both the technology and the cable industries this week.
As part of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)'s Ignite tech conference, the software giant held its first Women in Tech lunch, bringing together hundreds of its employees, partners and customers to discuss how changing technology is bringing about new opportunities for women. (See Women in Tech: People Skills Trump Tech Skills .)
The day before, at the nearby INTX show, the Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) held their signature luncheon to honor cable companies with standout community service initiatives benefiting women.
Light Reading is hosting its fourth -- and biggest -- Women in Tech breakfast at the Big Telecom Event on June 10 in Chicago. If you are a woman in the industry, you're invited to attend free of charge! Find out more and register here.
Needless to say, Light Reading doesn't miss an opportunity to promote women in the industry -- or enjoy a free lunch. Click below to launch a short slide show of both Microsoft's Women in Tech lunch and the WICT luncheon.
Figure 1: Packed House
Women from Microsoft and its partners across the globe attended to discuss how exploding demands for data, the expansion of the mobile workforce and the emergence of cloud computing are creating new opportunities for women.
— Sarah Thomas,

, Editorial Operations Director, Light Reading