PRAGUE -- STROM telecom, producer of modern telecommunications equipment, information systems and technologies, has become a full member of The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and an associated member of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). Both organisations play a fundamental role in shaping the development of the latest telecommunication technologies and services by coordinating, establishing and promoting standardisation and adoption of universal technological policies in the communications sector. Close cooperation with these two organisations will help STROM telecom to enlarge its presence in the NGN market and achieve competitive advantages which benefit its customers.
“Membership in the international organisations ETSI and OMA grants us unrestricted access to the latest findings and resolutions in telecommunication standardisation,” said Nihad Hurem, STROM telecom’s CEO. “Thanks to our active participation in the development of standards, STROM telecom will have a larger influence on the development of new markets and have greater opportunities to deliver its solutions to the world’s largest communication service providers,” Hurem added.
Strom telecom