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Surf the Internet, catch a stoner... get $50.
May 1, 2006
5:00 PM -- Law enforcement has apparently found the Internet a valuable tool in enforcing crime: It's now using video to stalk stoners on the Internet.
Yes, truth is stranger than fiction. The University of Colorado police department recently staked out a pot-smoking rally, and then taped all the proceedings. Then they posted the whole darn thing on the Internet, asking for a $50 reward for those who could identify the public smokers. Clearly these cops have too much time on their hands. But let's not give the students too much credit -- according to press reports the entire area was closed off by barriers, surrounded by police tape, and posted as being under "video surveillance."
Here's my question: Which is the bigger crime -- taking a toke or ratting out your buddy for $50?
— R. Scott Raynovich, Editor in Chief, Light Reading
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