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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
November 11, 2008
2:40 PM -- As if the economy needed any more devastating blows, office workers across the nation for weeks have been letting their inboxes overflow and telling important clients they'll call them back later.
So what's the source of all this havoc? You got it -- puppies.
A live stream of a box full of Shiba Inu puppies has become, some theorize, the most popular live stream EVER, as bored office workers find themselves unable to look away. As of this writing, more than 15,000 people were tuning in.Look! One of them is playing now!
— Red Panda, Light Reading
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