7:00 AM -- From The Philter's A Pro's Prose File, I had to share this howler from Dave Burstein, who writes a newsletter called DSL Prime that is famous for, as far as I can tell, using 11 different fonts per issue. Note this paragraph, which offers a stream-of-consciousness left turn that's sure to make you tip over in your chair:
The WSJ team remains the best in telecom, but Om Malik’s posse is ready to dispute that throne. Om is simply the best in the business, and the half dozen reporters he’s hired seem inspired by his lead. Also sorry to hear Joe nacchio is headed to jail. He's smart, interesting and generally one of the most straightforward guys in telecom, although the charges looked very strong.
So right smack in the middle of telling us how People Ready business owner Om Malik is challenging the majesty of The Wall Street Journal, Burstein is reminded what a class guy Joe Nacchio has been, criminal charges notwithstanding.
But DSL Prime continues to deliver. Here's a market projection worth noting:
iPhone, even in the current pre 1.0 version, is likely to be worth a $billion a year in earnings.
And, if you missed the last issue, you missed this classic correction:
Correction: Telcos Not Nearing Destruction Due to Technology, VOIP and Competition
If DSL Prime is ever up for sale, I'll personally call The Onion to solicit a bid.
— Phil Harvey, Barely Managing Editor, Light Reading