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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
Ryan Lawler reports from the first DCIA P2P Media Summit
August 5, 2008
4:50 PM -- Today on Contentinople:
At the DCIA P2P Media Summit, Pando's CEO foretells the future of CDNs, and it's in P2P. Now it's just a matter of waiting to see who takes the first shot: Which content owner will make P2P the legitimate delivery method it already (almost) is?
Industry execs are allowing themselves to get even more hopeful after the second round of service provider trials in the P4P Working Group. Efficiency was increased (50 percent in round one, and an undisclosed amount in round two) when file sharing was local. Plus, when compared to file blocking, it is probably more likely to build goodwill.
Verizon is holding firm in its refusal to adopt tru2way, citing its incompatibility with FiOS. In a letter to the FCC last week, Verizon urged the regulatory body to endorse its platform.
NBC is viewing Beijing's ramp-up to the Olympics through rose-tinted camera lenses. The network has failed to report on the negative aspects of the event, like rampant pollution and press restrictions.
And in today's News Bits, Sony takes both reins at BMG.
— The Staff, Contentinople
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