9:20 AM -- As reported by BBC News:
If it is happiness you are seeking a move to Denmark could be in order, according to the first scientist to make a world map of happiness.
Adrian White, from the UK's University of Leicester, used the responses of 80,000 people worldwide to map out subjective wellbeing.
Denmark came top, followed closely by Switzerland and Austria. The UK ranked 41st. Zimbabwe and Burundi came bottom.
The U.S. came in a creditable 23rd. ("We're 23! We're 23!") As you'll see from the associated Happiness Map, Western Europeans are just happy as clams (except for those moody French). Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and North Korea are among a handful of countries where the Happiness level is simply off the charts. Greenland as well -- guess I'll change my holiday plans.
— Larry, Happy Monkey, Light Reading