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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Global Crossing delivers 10-Gbit/s IP backbone for Dante, the organization behind Europe's Géant research network
April 10, 2002
LONDON -- Global Crossing announced today the commissioning of a multi-Gigabit Internet Protocol (IP) Transit Service to DANTE - the organisation responsible for managing the world's largest academic and research network, GÉANT. This 10Gbit/s European IP backbone provides international connectivity to the research community and comprises 3,000 National Research and Educational Networks (NRENs) in 31 countries.DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) selected Global Crossing because of the high bandwidth and extensive reach of the company's 100,000 route-mile IP backbone, which connects 200 cities in 27 countries. Global Crossing's experience in the research sector was another important factor in its selection. Through its existing work with other European research and education networks, Global Crossing demonstrated that it understood the specific issues faced by DANTE and could provide a solution to meet those needs. Global Crossing successfully completed a six-month evaluation trial with DFN in Germany during 2001, and already provides the underlying GÉANT network connectivity to the Republic of Ireland.John Legere, chief executive officer of Global Crossing, said: "This project demonstrates our ability to meet the stringent networking demands of the research sector - we are one of the few companies that can provide the quality of service, unparalleled global reach and flexible bandwidth upon which DANTE relies. Global Crossing is strongly positioned to support other academic and research networks around the world that wish to interconnect with GÉANT."DanteGlobal Crossing Ltd.
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