7:00 AM -- Hi!
You may have noticed that something's a bit different with our homepage this morning. That's because Unstrung has now become Light Reading Mobile.
For many of you, that will be the only change you see. If you click on Unstrung to get mobile news and views everyday, or if you subscribe to our newsletters, you won't see a difference aside from the new name.
We'll be continuing with the same staff, same daily news, and will continue to deliver daily and weekly newsletters. In fact, come Monday, the team will be on the ground in Barcelona covering the Mobile World Congress, and we'll in Vegas in March on the CTIA beat. You'll still be getting the same mobile content you've come to expect from Unstrung in the last decade.
So why the change? In these times of convergence between wired and wireless technology, it just made sense to bring Unstrung completely under the Light Reading brand. Unstrung was the first investment by Light Reading in the mobile tech space back in 2002. We haven't stopped expanding our reach into wireless since, as it continues to be one of the most vibrant and fast-moving technology sectors around.
In fact, over the years, we’ve added to our understanding of the space, thanks to the expert mobile business technology insight from our Heavy Reading research arm. Moreover, our Pyramid Research team is the leader in forecasting mobile growth in more than 100 markets around the globe. We also recently acquired the audience assets of RCR Wireless, the once-great print publication.
So now, after several years of more closely integrating Unstrung with the Light Reading site, we've taken the next logical step and changed the name to Light Reading Mobile.
As they say, change is good -- but change with stability is even better. — Dan Jones, Site Editor, Unstrung