LAS VEGAS -- US Ignite Inc., a nonprofit organization helping to accelerate advanced networking technologies, and Cox Communications announced today the designation of the city of Las Vegas as the newest member of the Smart Gigabit Communities (SGC) program. The announcement was made today during the 2018 US Ignite Application Summit held in Kansas City and co-located with the Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo.
Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2015, US Ignite’s SGC program is creating “living lab” environments for the next generation of gigabit applications. Las Vegas, the 25th community designated as a SGC, joins 24 other national and international communities participating in the SGC program.
The SGC program facilitates collaboration among US Ignite, universities, municipalities, community anchor institutions like hospitals and schools, nonprofits, network carriers and ISPs. Together, these organizations are focused on developing smart gigabit applications that can address local community needs, such as education, workforce development, public safety and community health. Each community joining the network has made a significant commitment toward embracing next-generation smart city and Internet technologies to keep pace with the world’s rapidly changing technology and economy. Additionally, each member of the program has committed to develop two gigabit applications or gigabit services per year that provide advanced technology solutions to issues faced by that community. They also agree to share those applications with the others in the Smart Gigabit Communities program.
“We are phenomenally excited and honored to be one of the 25 cities chosen to participate in the US Ignite Smart Gigabit Communities program,” Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman said. “Las Vegas has become known as a city of innovation, and I know this partnership with Cox Communications will continue to move us toward becoming a world-class city.”
Cox Communications Inc.