PARIS -- Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) and Manx Telecom today announced that the British operator is building on Alcatel-Lucent’s fully customized outdoor cabinet offering – in combination with the award-winning ISAM family of IP access nodes - to provide all of its customers with the latest mix of superior triple-play services. Manx Telecom thus becomes the tenth customer to not only leverage Alcatel-Lucent’s fiber to the most economic point strategy, but also its unique portfolio of customized outdoor cabinets.
Along with many other service providers around the world, Manx Telecom has been looking for ways to provide its end-users with the latest high-speed broadband services in the shortest timeframe - leveraging to the largest extent possible the existing copper network. In other words: "fiber to the most economic point."
To achieve this, service providers require a comprehensive set of IP access nodes – each of them optimized for a fiber-to-the-node (FTTN), fiber-to-the-building (FTTB) or fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) deployment scenario. They also need a flexible range of outdoor cabinet enclosures that provide long-term protection for their expensive telecommunications equipment, customized for any physical or regulatory environment.
“As an operator wanting to offer high-speed broadband, you basically have two options: either roll out a brand-new, nationwide fiber network, or capitalize on your existing copper infrastructure. We opted for the latter, using remote ISAM access nodes to shorten our copper loops,” says Mike Loundes, Chief Technology Officer, Manx Telecom. “Leveraging Alcatel-Lucent’s outdoor cabinets, we were able to significantly reduce the risks related to deploying our outside plant. The fully customized enclosures fitted perfectly and were network-validated right from the start. This saved us a lot of time and money.”
Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU)
Manx Telecom Ltd.