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Time Warner Telecom is working with Overture Networks to provide branch office access for Ethernet services to business customers
June 7, 2006
LITTLETON, Colo. -- Time Warner Telecom Inc. (Nasdaq: TWTC - News), a leading provider of managed voice and data networking solutions for businesses, today announced it is working with Overture Networks, a leading developer of converged packet access platforms, to provide "branch office" access for Ethernet services to business customers nationwide. With the deployment of Overture Networks' latest multi-service access device, the ISG 180, Time Warner Telecom is able to provide Ethernet services to businesses anywhere.
"We recognize that many of the country's top businesses have a presence throughout the 44 regional markets we currently serve where it may be uneconomical to directly connect to our 21,000-route mile fiber network," said Michael Rouleau, senior vice president of Strategy and Business Development for Time Warner Telecom. "This 'branch office' solution enables us to cost-effectively deliver our industry-leading Ethernet portfolio to customers anywhere."
Meridian School District, the fastest growing school district in Idaho, is one enterprise to benefit from Time Warner Telecom's hybrid approach. Time Warner Telecom is providing a full suite of communications services, including Metro Ethernet, Ethernet Internet Services (EIS) and voice services to 45 sites within the Meridian School District. Time Warner Telecom is building fiber to prioritized locations -- including the district office and high schools -- with intensive bandwidth needs. The remaining 30 schools, which are smaller and require less bandwidth, will receive Ethernet-delivered voice and data services via Time Warner Telecom-managed copper facilities.
"Time Warner Telecom won the request for proposal based on two things; its deep understanding of the technology required to meet our needs and its cost effective approach," said Jerry Reininger, Ed. D, administrator of Information Systems for Meridian School District. "For example, Time Warner Telecom advocated building fiber only to the sites that required that level of support."
"Overture Networks specifically developed the ISG 140 and ISG 180 network devices to seamlessly integrate all customer locations, giving Ethernet services transparently to the customer," said Chip Redden, vice president of Marketing & Product Management. "The challenge was to reach customers that are not located near a fiber ring and provide them with the same level of managed Ethernet bandwidth and scalability. Our ISG family of products is optimized to deliver Ethernet solutions simply and affordably."
"At Time Warner Telecom, we've built a comprehensive portfolio of Ethernet services recognized as industry leading," said Rouleau. "With this additional capability, we can now deliver those Ethernet solutions to enterprise customers anywhere."
tw telecom inc. (Nasdaq: TWTC)
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