Siemens Brings VOIP to Burlington
Siemens HiPath puts a voicemail-equipped phone in every classroom
December 13, 2002
RESTON, Va. and BURLINGTON, Mass. -- Siemens Enterprise Networks, a subsidiary of Siemens AG (NYSE: SI), today announced that the Town of Burlington, Mass. has completed implementation of a Siemens voice over IP telephone network in 16 town buildings. The network, which replaces a Centrex system, delivers the features required at about half the cost of Centrex, providing, according to town officials, a projected payback in approximately two years.“The Siemens voice over IP solution met every one of our technical, performance, and budgetary requirements,” said Larry Rittenberg, assistant town administrator for Burlington. “In fact, although we doubled the number of telephones in our network and added enhanced features, we were able to do so with no impact on our budget and no additional appropriations.” Burlington’s HiPath voice over IP telephone network includes Siemens communication servers, a Siemens messaging system, 12 HiPath HG 3800 gateways and 800 Siemens telephones. It is managed by Siemens HiPath MetaManagement network management software. In addition to the network hardware and software, Siemens also installed a cable infrastructure that links telephones back to the nearest HiPathä HG 3800 gateway.The Siemens solution provides four-digit dialing from all campus locations over a combined voice-data network and a caller ID system that makes it possible to identify the exact office or classroom where emergency calls originate. Burlington teachers now also enjoy voicemail-equipped telephones in the classroom and its schools can now create voice response-based services such as homework assignment lines or school announcement hotlines. Similar benefits are available to all other town facilities as well—at no additional infrastructure cost.Siemens AG
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