IDT (Integrated Device Technology,Inc., Nasdaq: IDTI), a leading communications IC provider, today announcedthat Optical Solutions, Inc. (OSI) selected its RC32355 integratedcommunications processor and high-density CODEC devices for itsFiberPath(r) 400 fiber-to-the-home family of products. The OpticalSolutions' networking and system solution incorporates a passive opticalnetwork (PON) for broadband delivery of voice, video, and high-speed datadirectly to homes, businesses, and multi-dwelling units. Optical Solutionsselected IDT's high-density quad and octal CODECs and its RC32355integrated communications processor to meet the demanding system price andperformance challenges of the FiberPath platform.
"Early on in the FiberPath program we evaluated a variety of integratedcommunications processors from various vendors and saw the high value ofIDT's solution with the RC32355 and its CODEC devices as they delivered theperformance and integration we required to address the bandwidth demandswithin the passive optical network," said Bob Lund, chief technologyofficer at Optical Solutions. "IDT's RC32355 was the best integratedcommunications processor in the market given the raw bandwidth, mix offunctionality and the price point required for PON-based systems, which hasenabled Optical Solutions' FiberPath 400 PON system to provide the mostcost-effective broadband solution in Greenfield and overbuild applications."
The integration of an on-chip ATM controller on the RC32355, coupled withthe inclusion of an industry-standard Utopia interface, allows the deviceto deliver superior performance, unsurpassed bandwidth provisioning withinthe system and simple connectivity to the wide area network (WAN)interface. The adoption of the RC32355 across Optical Solutions' productfamily of FiberPath solutions demonstrates the scalability of the RC32355architecture to address both gateway and head-end equipment. IDT's quadand octal CODECs provide an unprecedented level of integration, allowingsignificant board space conservation and overall system cost reduction.
Integrated Device Technology Inc. (IDT) (Nasdaq: IDTI)