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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
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MagiQ made public its Board of Advisors
May 2, 2006
NEW YORK -- MagiQ Technologies, Inc., the quantum information processing (QIP) company, today made public its Board of Advisors. This distinguished group includes leaders in optical science, encryption, and academia. They will work closely with MagiQ to support its ongoing commercialization of next-generation quantum cryptography products.
The Advisory Board will consist of Professor Artur Ekert, one of the inventors of quantum key distribution and the Leigh Trapnell Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Cambridge; Dr. Burt Kaliski, Vice President of Research, RSA Security & Chief Scientist, RSA Laboratories and a renowned authority on cryptography; Dr. Norbert Lutkenhaus, one of the world's experts in QKD and Associate Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Waterloo and a member of the Institute of Quantum Computing; and George Heron, a leading expert on the application of security and vice president and chief scientist at McAfee, Inc.
"When working on the leading edge as we are, and promising our customers uncompromising security, it is essential to seek the input, advice, and counsel of the best minds in the business," said Bob Gelfond, CEO of MagiQ Technologies. "Their profound thinking about quantum physics, supplemented by their detailed understanding and expertise in quantum and classical cryptography form a wealth of knowledge, experience and credibility that will serve to further strengthen MagiQ."
MagiQ Technologies Inc.
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