TEL AVIV -- cVidya Networks, a global leader of Telecom Data Integrity and Revenue Assurance Systems, has announced its leadership role in The Telemanagement Forum’s (TMF) Revenue Assurance (RA) Catalyst Project for the second year in a row. This is one of several such projects in which TMF member organizations collaborate to advance the framework of next generation OSS (NGOSS). cVidya's repeated selection as team leader in this project came as a result of its position as a developer of the most advanced and effective revenue assurance solutions in the telecommunications industry. This year’s RA Catalyst is sponsored by China Unicom and led by cVidya Networks with collaboration with other companies;. cVidya Networks will also be participating in the TMF’s Catalyst Project titled “IPTV Impact on Fulfillment, Assurance, and Billing (FAB)”. The IPTV project is sponsored and led by Swisscom.
The TMF RA Catalyst is a collaborative case study focusing on causes of revenue leakage prevalent in the communications market, and the potential for RA tools as a solution. The 2006 study represents the second phase of the project and is primarily distinguished from that of last year in its use of the Revenue Assurance Modeling team’s recommendations for the Shared Information and Data (SID) models. This development fits into the larger theme of the project, which is to study the effectiveness of a common framework for revenue assurance processes in the context of an industry-wide accepted standard, such as the NGOSS. Drawing on the experience gained in pioneering their own proprietary RA solutions, cVidya has let the team in focusing on SID and enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) elements to further ensure data synchronization across an operator’s disparate systems, prevent revenue leakage, and enhance efficiency throughout the market.
“With diminishing margins and increased competition in the telecommunications industry, network operators are required to attain maximum efficiency if they are to remain in the market. Revenue Assurance tools have therefore become increasingly essential, and I consider our advances in the Catalyst Project to be a step forward for the field of RA as a whole,” remarked Dr. Gadi Solotorevsky, Chief Scientist of cVidya Networks and team leader of the TMF RA Catalyst. “cVidya has found our leadership of this team to be a very rewarding experience for the company.”
cVidya Networks Inc.