Add another name to the endless list of industry talking shops: BT Group plc (NYSE: BTY; London: BTA) has officially launched the Fixed-Mobile Convergence Alliance (FMCA). (See Carriers Join Convergence Alliance.)
BT, Brasil Telecom SA, and KT Corp. have been joined by NTT Communications Corp., Rogers Wireless Communications Inc. (NYSE: RCN; Toronto: RCM), and Swisscom AG (NYSE: SCM) as founder members. The announcement comes barely a month after BT denied speculation that it was more than a party of three (see BT Denies Convergence Backing).
“This is a landmark moment in the transition of telecom,” declares Ryan Jarvis, (soundbite) chairman of the alliance and chief of mobile products and partnerships at BT. “Convergence, though long heralded and long talked about, is finally beginning to happen.”
Grab all the breathless details on Unstrung.
— Nicole Willing, Reporter, Light Reading