WASHINGTON -- ATIS announced today the completion and release of its ATIS NGN Framework, Part III: Standards Gap Analysis document. The ATIS Gap Analysis provides an assessment of existing and anticipated NGN standardization activities within the communications industry’s standards development community, and identifies areas where standards work is needed.
The release of the standards gap analysis follows the publication of the ATIS NGN Framework Part I, which outlines both the network architecture and the technical and business requirements for NGN; as well as the publication of NGN Framework Part II, which identifies and prioritizes the network architecture capabilities that will enable the introduction of new NGN services. The network architecture capabilities, or “service enablers” as outlined by ATIS, include Security; Quality of Service (QOS); Service Decoupling; Unified User Profile; Presence; Service Transparency; Resource and Admission Control; Settlement; NGN Management (OAM&P); Location Based Services; Multicast; Address Resolution (E164/SIP); Digital Rights Management; User Control of Profile/Services; and Media Resource Functions and Group Management.
“The three ATIS NGN Framework documents are the result of successful collaboration among ATIS member companies to articulate the desired architecture, and network capabilities for NGN, in a manner that enables the industry to work collaboratively on the creation of needed NGN standards,” said ATIS President and CEO Susan Miller. “This most recent ATIS NGN Framework document – a standards gap analysis for NGN – identifies where standards work is needed, and its assessment will support the ability of standards organizations to avoid redundancies and overlapping standards work programs.”
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS)