AFOP Previews New Products for OFCAFOP Previews New Products for OFC

Alliance Fiber Optic Products will present new WDMs, optical add/drop modules, and planar lightwave circuit splitters at OFC

February 19, 2004

3 Min Read

SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- Alliance Fiber Optic Products,Inc. (Nasdaq SmallCap: AFOP), an innovative supplier of fiber opticcomponents, subsystems and integrated modules for the optical networkequipment market, today announced the new products that will beexhibited at the Optical Fiber Conference (OFC). The OFC show will takeplace on February 24 - 26, 2004 at the Los Angeles Convention Center,Los Angeles, CA, and these products can be seen at our booth #1719.

High Isolation FTTP 1310/1490/1550 Filter WDMs (3 Port and Compact)
AFOP's new Fiber-To-The-Home and premises high isolation filter WDMproducts, which utilize high performance thin film interference filters,provide exceptional bandpass performance over extended outdoor operatingconditions. This filter WDM is a bi-directional component optimized fora variety of applications including ONU and OLT equipment units. AFOP'sFTTP filter WDM features reduced insertion loss, high isolation,bi-directional operation, an epoxy-free optical path, and are availablein both controlled and outdoor environment versions.

Datasheet for High Isolation FTTP 1310/1490/1550 Filter WDMs (3 Port)
Datasheet for High Isolation FTTP 1310/1490/1550 Filter WDMs (Compact)

SpectraMux™ - Compact Optical Add and Drop Modules (CC-OADM)
AFOP's new SpectraMux CWDM Compact OADM module offers significantlyreduced insertion loss for multi-wavelength CWDM network applications.With standard channel spacing of 20 nm and wide bandpasscharacteristics, these filters accommodate non-temperature controlledlasers in transmitters over extended conditions. Other features includehigh center wavelength accuracy and stability, low insertion loss, highdirectivity, an epoxy-free optical path, and low polarization dependentloss.

Datasheet for SpectraMux™ - Compact Optical Add and Drop Modules(CC-OADM)

SpectraMux™ - Compact Coarse WDM with Extended Temperature
AFOP's line of SpectraMux Compact CWDMs extends the use of CWDM toaccess networks in outdoor environments. With Extended Temperatureperformance these modules offer a significantly reduced package ¼ thesize of conventional CWDM modules. With a standard channel spacing of 20nm and wide bandpass characteristics they are ideal for use in strenuousoutdoor environments. Temperature ranges of -40C to 75C have virtuallyno impact on performance. Other features include high center wavelengthaccuracy and stability, ultra low insertion loss, high directivity, anepoxy-free optical path, and low polarization dependent loss. TheseCompact CWDM Extended Temperature Mux/DeMuxes are available in four oreight channels and offer a 1300nm flattened expansion port option.

Planar Lightwave Circuit Splitters (PLC Splitters)
AFOP's new miniature size Planar Lightwave Circuit Splitters aredesigned for CATV, Access, PON and other broadband system applicationswhere exceptional splitter characteristics are required. AFOP's PLCSplitters significantly reduce the space needed for branching fiberoptic signals. Based on silica/silica and silica/silicon waveguidefabrication technologies, AFOP's new PLC Splitters can cost effectivelyprovide high-port count uniform splitting for widespread applications inthe broadband and fiber access markets. AFOP's PLC Splitters are nowprovided in 1x4, 1x8, 1x16 and 1x32 configurations, and are availablewith factory mounted connector types including SC, FC, LC, and MU AFOPhigh performance single mode connectors.

Datasheet for Planar Lightwave Circuit Splitters (PLC Splitters)

BPON and GPON BOSAs (Bi-Directional Optical Sub-Assemblies)AFOP's offers a new line of BOSAs (Bi-Directional OpticalSub-Assemblies) for B-PON and G-PON systems and ATM networkapplications. The BPON and GPON BOSA features single fiberbi-directional operations, Tx 1.3 um LD with low threshold currentand/Rx 1.55 um PIN-TIAs with low dark current and stable performanceover temperature.

Alliance Fiber Optic Products Inc.

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