Very Naughty Monkeys
Vervets are pigs
August 27, 2007
9:45 AM -- BBC News reports on my most disreputable cousins behaving very badly:
A troop of vervet monkeys is giving Kenyan villagers long days and sleepless nights, destroying crops and causing a food crisis.
Earlier this month, local MP Paul Muite urged the Kenyan Wildlife Service to help contain their aggressive behaviour.
But Mr Muite caused laughter when he told parliament that the monkeys had taken to harassing and mocking women in a village.
But this is exactly what the women in the village of Nachu, just south-west of Kikuyu, are complaining about...
"The monkeys grab their breasts, and gesture at us while pointing at their private parts. We are afraid that they will sexually harass us," said Mrs Njeri.
"Hey! I gotcher banana right here!"
Are they wearing tiny hardhats?
— Larry, Attack Monkey, Light Reading
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