COLUMBIA, Md. -- Trellis Photonics, a Columbia, Md.-based company with research facilities in Israel, dedicated to delivering the missing piece in the all-optical network, unveiled its unique solid-state optical switching prototype during the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference in Denver.
"Through years of research and dedication, we have been able to develop the missing piece in the all-optical puzzle," said Tim Cahall, CEO of Trellis Photonics. "Our Intelligent Lambda Switching product enables a solid-state network via our patented, crystal-based Electroholography(TM) technology."
"The demonstration of a functioning, feature rich, scalable Intelligent Lambda Switch prototype is a milestone for Trellis," said Elon Littwitz, President and Founder of Trellis Photonics. "Electroholography(TM) is out of the laboratory and ready for mission critical applications."