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The Top 10 Awards we didn't hand out last week
October 22, 2007
5:20 PM -- Looking for some behind-the-scenes entertainment from last week's Leading Lights awards?
Well, I got something in my pocket. Literally. I found the scribbled notes for the "Top Ten Awards We Really Wanted to Give Out But Couldn't," which I read out loud at our awards dinner. Just for fun, let's call them the Bleeding Lights.
Here they are. In the order they were not bestowed last Monday night:
10) Worst haircut
9) Most annoying PR staff
8) Cheapest marketing VP
7) Most complex, incomprehensible, technically sophisticated, and completely unsaleable product
6) Most golf-addicted (or otherwise) CEO
5) Person most likely to chew out an LR Editor on the phone and come back crawling on his or her hands or knees months later begging for mercy after being laid off
4) Least likely to succeed
3) Most arrogant venture capitalist
2) Ugliest... corporate headquarters
1) Most likely to have all assets of the company show up on eBay
Yeah, I know, you really want to know who won these awards. My lawyers won't allow me to talk. But feel free to make suggestions on the board below.
— R. Scott Raynovich, Editorial Director, Light Reading
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