KISTA, Sweden -- Syntune announces the introduction of a new family of widely tunable lasers at the Optical Fiber Communications (OFC) conference in Los Angeles. These lasers are based on a novel, patented chip design that gives excellent performance using standard chip processes. Their design and performance will be presented in a paper at OFC on February 24 at 2:15 p.m., "State-of-the-art performance of widely tunable modulated grating Y-branch lasers," session TuE – Photonic Integration.
The key advantage of the Syntune laser design is that it is highly manufacturable, allowing the laser chip manufacture to be outsourced. This removes the need for dedicated fab facilities, and allows economies of scale to be passed to the customer. The design, known as "modulated grating Y-branch" or MG-Y additionally yields wide tuning range, high and even output power, high side-mode suppression ratio, low power consumption, and ultra-fast tuning.
Syntune lasers are available in chip-on-carrier (S0100), and module (S1000, S1500) formats.
Syntune CEO, Pierre-Jean Rigole, says "These lasers show that tunability can be achieved without prohibitive manufacturing expense, which is good news for our customers and the industry in general."