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A deeper dive into Cisco's AI prospects
Cisco has pegged many of its corporate hopes on its ability to cash in on massive AI investments. Some analysts see plenty of opportunity in the vendor's gambit.
Call it 'Kansasm.'
December 15, 2005
8:00 AM -- The State.com ("South Carolina's Home Page") reports on another Great Leap Forward for American education:
A proponent of teaching various theories of human origin, which include creationism, gained support Monday from the state’s public school reform oversight panel.
At the urging of Sen. Mike Fair, R-Greenville, the Education Oversight Committee voted 8-7 to strike from high school biology standards wording that tied schools to teaching only evolution.
Fair wants schools to go beyond Darwinism...
To... Medievalism? Crackerism? Pastafarianism? Dumbasafuckingpostism?
Strom Thurmond is spinning in his... uh... wait. No. No, he's not.
— Larry, Attack Monkey, Light Reading
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