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4:30 PM -- Was our final LRTV show from Globalcomm 2006 frat-produced? Was it silly to the point of pointless?
Hard for me to tell, being so close to the thing myself. But that's the allegation made by one Telefinity executive in an email to our feedback section:
This is not good. It’s silly to the point of pointless. It is not really funny, although it apparently tries to be. It jokes for no reason, and wastes my time. More like a frat-produced homemade project (and those are mostly better)
And, to act is if he is tired, was partying, and drinking and then to say “Drinking is what conferences are all about” – that was TERRIBLE. A bad example, and really not true.
I suggest you take this silly waste of time video clip down, as it does nothing to help your name, and doesn’t provide any useful info.
What help you could do is to get with Mr. Flanigan and help him design a booth numbering system that has some logic. The GlobalComm show wasted the time of thousands of us as we struggled unsuccessfully to find booths, even when we had the booth number. The booth numbers were in some sort of scheme that was illogical and unintelligible. And the map they gave out was useless – the booth info/numbers was in pale red color text at 6 or 5 point type. Who designs these things?
I genuinely appreciate your feedback, but, alas, we will not retire from the broadband video business and take up map-making. What makes you think we'd be any less silly on the printed page? I'm confident that, as mapmakers, we'd use darker ink and larger fonts. But I'm also sure that, as the kind of folks who ply puppets with alcohol and then film it, we might also joke for no reason and waste your time.
— Phil Harvey, Pointless Editor, Light Reading
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