3:30 PM -- Stuff reports on a long-awaited solution for your desperate, single pet... Did I say "long awaited"? Sorry, I meant "really stupid":
A new matchmaking service for dogs – and virtually every other kind of domesticated pet from apes to zebras – promises to facilitate the arduous and heartbreaking process of hounding for the perfect mate.
Petpalio. com is the brainchild of Aaron Rodrigues, a 17-year-old self-styled "student entrepreneur" from Auckland.
"Hi, I'm a student entrepreneur." -- Translation: "Even my imaginary friends won't play with me..."
Rodrigues said he came up with the concept after an agonising search for a canine companion for his two-year-old bichon frise, Lasie.
Something tells me Rodrigues may be looking for a little "petpalio" of his own... Wink, wink.
Next up: Bichons Gone Wild.
— Red "Hates Phonies" Panda, Light Reading