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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
NTT America, together with StarHub, completes installation of ATM network to Asia for SingAREN
April 3, 2002
NEW YORK -- NTT America, the U.S. subsidiary of NTT Communications Corporation, the international and long distance service arm of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, the largest telecommunications company in the world, today announced it has completed ATM network installation for SingAREN, the Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network. Working with StarHub, its Arcstar provider in Singapore, NTT America was able to get the U.S.- Asia network installed and operational far ahead of the anticipated completion date. "We needed someone who could understand our very specific needs and deliver the unique technical demands that were called for," said Professor Lawrence Wong, Director of SingAREN and NUS Computer Center. "NTT America and StarHub proved to be good listeners, with the ability to deliver a high-quality and competitively-priced solution. It has certainly created new opportunities for an even more powerful and promising technical partnership." Under terms of the contract, NTT America and StarHub installed a 17Mb VBR-nrt ATM network and a 10Mb CBR ATM network between Singapore and the United States. Now that the network is successfully in place, NTT America is also providing SingAREN with DS3 and OC3 lines within the U.S.NTT Communications Corp.SingTel
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