More WiMax Coming to the Bay Area?
WiMax upstart looking for network project managers in San Francisco and beyond
2:20 PM -- Citizens of San Francisco! Are you sad that the pipe-dream of a citywide WiFi mesh network is looking less and less likely?
Don't worry, there is more than one way to deploy broadband wireless in the Bay Area. Clearwire LLC (Nasdaq: CLWR), for instance, is currently advertising for network deployment project managers for San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose.
The network operator hasn't said anything offical about rolling out WiMax in the Bay Area yet. It is now working with Sprint Corp. (NYSE: S) on rolling out the XOHM mobile WiMax network in the U.S., however. The company currently has smaller deployments in areas like Merced, Calif., but nothing in the Bay Area. (See Clearwire & Sprint Team on WiMax.)
— Dan Jones, Site Editor, Unstrung
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