DOUGLAS, U.K. -- O2, Manx Telecom (a wholly owned subsidiary ofO2) and Lucent Technologies (NYSE: LU) today announced plans to launch thefirst commercial HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) network servicein Europe on the Isle of Man on Nov. 1 of this year. This marks asignificant milestone in the deployment of a super-fast, mobile networkbased on Lucent's end-to-end, third-generation (3G) UMTS/HSDPA and IMS (IPMultimedia Subsystem) solutions for Manx Telecom.
The Lucent-supplied UMTS/HSDPA network enables Manx Telecom tointroduce UMTS voice services and new, mobile high-speed data services suchas DVD-quality streaming video, fast downloads of very large filesincluding music, as well as Virtual Private Network (VPN) access tocorporate networks.
The enhanced data transmission capabilities of HSDPA also will enableManx Telecom to deliver Value over IPTM -- via the introduction of "blendedlifestyle" services that combine voice, data and video capabilities -- whenthe next phase of the network deployment, which includes Lucent’s IMSsolution, is completed.
"This project highlights O2's continued leadership in theintroduction of enhanced next-generation communications solutions," saidDave Williams, group CTO for O2. "The impending commercial launch ofEurope's first HSDPA network and future introduction of IMS-enabledservices here on the Isle of Man demonstrates our commitment to providingour subscribers with the most innovative services." The HSDPA network will provide full island coverage, and serviceswill be available wherever customers use mobile services today.
"Manx Telecom's vision is to provide services that enrich people'slives -- wherever they are and whenever they want them," said Chris Hall,managing director of Manx Telecom. "Our advanced network on the Isle ofMan serves as a showcase of the tremendous opportunity offered by thelatest technology to our customers."
Manx Telecom Ltd.
Lucent Technologies Inc.