HTIL Reports Q2 KPIs

Reports mobile customer base grew 15% year on year to 6.8M, turnover increased 12% to HK$9.6B

August 21, 2007

2 Min Read

HONG KONG -- Key highlights:

  • Mobile customer base grew 15% year-on-year to 6.8 million worldwide

  • Turnover increased 12% to HK$9.6 billion

  • EBITDA increased 15% to HK$2.8 billion

  • One-time gain of HK$69.3 billion on disposal of interest

  • Special dividend payout gave IPO investors a return of over 100% in less than three years

Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited ("Hutchison Telecom", the"Company" or the "Group"; HKEx: 2332; NYSE: HTX) today reported itsunaudited results for the first six months of 2007. Excluding thecontribution from the Group's India operations during the reporting period,turnover from continuing operations increased 12.3% to HK$9,639 million,compared to HK$8,581 million in the same period last year. This was drivenmainly by growth in the customer base, which increased 15% year-on-year to6.8 million, higher usage and higher revenue from mobile data usage.

EBITDA increased 15% year-on-year to HK$2,810 million with EBITDA margin of29.2%. The Group's mobile businesses in Israel and Hong Kong continued tosteer the improvement in EBITDA with increases of 19% and 21% respectively.These increases were partially offset by the start-up losses in Vietnam andIndonesia.

Operating profit, which is EBITDA minus depreciation and amortisation, saw asubstantial increase of 55% year-on-year to HK$832 million.

As a result of the sale of CGP Investment (Holdings) Limited ("CGP") toVodafone, which held our entire interests in Hutchison Essar Limited, theGroup turned to having net cash on its balance sheet. As a result the Groupgenerated interest income of HK$628 million which turned profit beforetaxation from continuing operations positive to HK$663 million from a lossof HK$300 million in the first half of 2006.

Profit for the period was HK$70,843 million, after recognising a one-timegain of HK$69.3 billion. Accordingly, the Group's unaudited profitattributable to equity holders surged to HK$70,088 million, compared to HK$2million in the same period last year.

Basic earnings per share were HK$14.69, compared with HK$0.00 per share inthe same period last year.

In view of its net cash position the Company has set a dividend policy for2008 at a minimum of 30% of the Group's adjusted net profit attributable toequity holders of the Company.

The Company paid a special dividend of HK$6.75 per share on 29 June 2007,and the Board is not expecting to announce a further dividend in 2007.

Dennis Lui, Chief Executive Officer of Hutchison Telecom said: "The firsthalf of 2007 marks a transformation period for Hutchison Telecom withseveral milestones achieved. In less than three years we were able toreturn to shareholders a special dividend which was more than the initialprice of the shares at our IPO. We have also launched operations inIndonesia and Vietnam and have seen encouraging momentum in thosehigh-growth markets. The Group's Hong Kong and Israel businesses continuedto deliver strong operational and financial performance in challengingmarket conditions and the Sri Lanka operations reported a record surge inprofitability."

Mr Lui added: "Hutchison Telecom has a proven track record in valuecreation. With our strong capital position and a well-balanced portfolio ofhigh growth and cash-generating businesses, I am confident that attractiveopportunities will present themselves to complement the continueddevelopment of the Company."

Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd. (NYSE: HTX)

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