LONDON -- cVidya Networks, ( a global leader and innovative provider of Revenue Intelligence solutions for Telecom, Media and Entertainment service providers, announced today the release of their enhanced bypass fraud module which seamlessly integrates into their FraudView Fraud Management solution. With the new module, CSPs are able to detect both "under-the-radar" methods and those exploiting SIM boxes, to make as many calls as possible in a short period, with advanced alert and aggregation methods. As the complexity of bypass fraud schemes continue to develop, it is crucial for CSPs to detect these fraudsters efficiently and effectively.
Bypass fraud has become the number one fraud type in developing countries as fraudsters continue to find new ways to disguise their operations by using prepaid SIMs, making only a few calls, and limiting call times. In order to help CSPs prevent losses from these new techniques, cVidya has made many improvements for instantly detecting bypass fraud. Real-time detection, within one hour, enables most bypass scenarios to be proactively blocked, and a new set of bypass predictors, based on summarized data, was also added. In addition, long-term summarization, along with an offline investigation tool, detects even the most evasive bypass practices, making cVidya’s module the most complete bypass fraud tool for CSPs.
“Bypass fraud losses are almost 3 billion dollars annually according to a recent CFCA survey,” said Alon Aginsky, president and CEO of cVidya Networks. “With cVidya’s expertise in fraud management, the enhanced module for FraudView will have much more comprehensive bypass fraud detection, barring ‘fast and furious’ scammers instantly and even catching offenders that make bypass calls over a long period of time.”
cVidya Networks Inc.