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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Avonline PLC selects Encore Networks to deliver end-to-end satellite broadband VPN solutions throughout the UK and continental Europe
July 28, 2004
DULLES, Va. -- Encore Networks, a leading developer of secure converged broadband solutions over satellite, terrestrial, and hybrid IP networks, today announced that Avonline PLC, one of the United Kingdoms leading network, telecommunications and installation companies, has selected Encore’s complete line of BANDIT™ security appliances and the VSR-30™ Virtual Private Network (VPN) router for their enterprise satellite network solutions. Avonline will sell, install and service Encore’s product line to provide end-to-end, broadband IP VPN solutions across both satellite and terrestrial networks.
Avonline PLC delivers complete, end-to-end, turnkey networks with a focus on satellite and wireless broadband solutions, connecting more than 350 businesses including Gwent NHS (outdoor wireless LAN), London Stock Exchange (VPN satellite), Sony Europe (VPN satellite), Merrill Lynch (VPN satellite) and Toshiba (indoor wireless LAN and satellite). Strategically located throughout the UK and Continental Europe, Avonline directly employs an impressive range of skills through a 650 strong team.
“For more than 22 years Avonline has built a solid reputation for providing innovative converged satellite VPN services for remote to corporate office connectivity for applications like HTTP, File transfer, email and dBase integration,” said Simon Reeves, Encore Networks Director of European Sales. “Customers like BT, Telewest, ntl, BSkyB, Fujitsu, Easynet and Marconi trust Avonline with their most valuable commercial assets their network infrastructure, their equipment and their end customers.”
Encore Networks Inc.
Avonline plc
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