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How Huawei went from Chinese startup to global 5G power
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FastWeb signed a credit agreement for a long term facility totalling 1,600 million Euro
March 20, 2007
MILAN, Italy -- FASTWEB (Milan, MTAX: FWB) today signed a credit agreement for along term facility totalling 1,600 million Euro.The new financing, underwritten by Banca Antonveneta, Bnp Paribas, Calyon, Société Générale,Royal Bank of Scotland, Unicredit Banca D’impresa, Banca Popolare Di Milano, Banco Di Sicilia,Bank of America, ING Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo, MCC, Rabobank e WestLB enables FASTWEB todraw an amount up to 1,600 million Euro under improved terms and conditions compared to theprevious facility, consistently with the increased maturity and soundness of the Group’s activities.
The terms of the loan provide for the following credit lines:
a 700 million Euro long term credit line;
two revolving credit facilities of 700 million Euro and 200 million Euro respectively.
The financing facility will have final maturity on 30 June 2012.
Fastweb SpA (Milan: FWB)
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