GUILDFORD, U.K. -- Lime Microsystems field programmable RF (FP-RF) transceiver, LMS6002D, has been adopted by Eurecom for its ExpressMIMO2 baseband platform. The low-cost LTE-A compliant (TDD / FDD) board was released earlier this year and combines four Lime Microsystems LMS6002D chips with Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA to allow both MIMO 4x4 and dual band MIMO 2x2.The Express-MIMO-2 has also been cited in the European Union / Seventh Framework Programme’s radio optimisation roadmap, Acropolis. This seeks to establish the key technologies for future software defined and cognitive radio systems.Philippe Roux, Lime VP of Business development stated: “The Express-Mimo-2 highlights the flexibility of our technology, enabling a truly configurable system that can be quickly setup to run on advanced MIMO wireless communication platforms, as demonstrated by the Acropolis project.”Lime Microsystems