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Verizon Business extends global footprint of its Private IP sevice; boosts service commitments and capabilities
March 21, 2007
BASKING RIDGE, N.J. -- Verizon Business isenhancing and deepening its already expansive Private IP global footprintto meet the global and in-region networking communications requirements oflarge multinational businesses. With more concentrated in-country coverage,enhanced service-level agreements, improved reporting capabilities and asixth class of service, Verizon Business's Private IP service (Layer 3 MPLSbased Virtual Private Network) provides customers with more flexibility andcontrol over their networks.
"Private IP is the foundation for Verizon Business' portfolio of next-generation products and services," said Mike Marcellin, vice president ofproduct marketing with Verizon Business. "We continue to bolster PrivateIP's presence and capabilities to help ensure that converged voice, dataand video applications move across global corporate networks with thespeed, performance and reliability customers demand."
Expanded Global Footprint
Exemplifying Verizon's commitment to bring networking closer to itscustomers, Verizon Business Private IP continues to enter more countriesand expand its in-country presence in key emerging business centers. Theservice is now available to customers in 121 countries and territories.Recent key node installations, enabling richer coverage, include Malaysia,Thailand, Slovakia, the Russian Federation, Turkey, South Africa, Kuwait,the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Vietnam and Slovenia. In countries thatalready have Private IP, new nodes include Barcelona, Spain; Sao Paulo,Brazil; Calgary [province of Alberta], Canada; and the Australian cities ofPerth, Brisbane, Canberra and Adelaide.
Enhanced Application Aware Reporting Tools
To provide Private IP customers more control and greater visibilityinto network performance, Verizon Business has made enhancements to itsApplication Aware reporting capabilities, including increased customizationof network and application performance reporting tools, and extendedinternational availability. All Private IP customers now have the abilityto generate customized ad hoc reports, save them as templates and schedulethese reports to run automatically. Further, network managers have theability to group network points of interest for customized reporting andmonitoring. In addition, a new systems test feature is available to checkpolling success rates, allowing customers automatic confirmation that theirrouter is properly set up for SNMP (simple network management protocol)polling.
Verizon Enterprise Solutions
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