Spirent Passes the Coffee Test
Great coffee is essential when at Mobile World Congress and, once again, Spirent has delivered.
February 28, 2018
BARCELONA -- MWC 2018 -- As with any major trade show or conference, access to quality coffee is almost as important as access to a wireless broadband connection.
Actually, scrap that. It's more important.
Fortunately at MWC, test and measurement systems specialist Spirent Technologies has for years realized the business and marketing benefits of installing a top quality barista team (this year, Katy and Ellie) that attracts show attendees to its booth.
Figure 1: Katy and Ellie may have had too much of their own fine espresso... that, or they're just incredibly happy to be here.
To get people coming back, of course, the quality of the coffee has to be "top drawer," as us Brits would say. I can attest to the quality -- and it tastes as good as it looks (see below).
Figure 2:
Other coffee stations are available, of course, and there have been some splendid efforts this year in the Ericsson village and at the NetScout stand, where the Light Reading team has been using the Orb TV studio facilities to interview industry experts.
But for sheer, consistent quality, Spirent retains the MWC coffee crown. Bravo!
— Ray 'the Grinder' Le Maistre, Resident Caffeine Addict, Light Reading
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