11:15 AM -- Do you have enchiphobia™? If not, you should.
WebMD updates us on the latest health-food scare:
The outbreak of diarrhea-causing E. coli among people who ate at Taco Bell restaurants is widening, CDC and FDA officials say.
As of noon today, the outbreak -- focused in the Northeast -- had infected 63 people in six states. Nearly 80% of those have been hospitalized.
Seven of the infected have the most feared complication of E. coli infection, a condition called hemolytic uremic syndrome, or HUS. HUS is a life-threatening problem that causes kidney failure.
So far, there have been no deaths in the current outbreak.
But it isn't over, warns the CDC's Christopher Braden, MD, a medical epidemiologist with the National Center for Infectious Diseases...
Health authorities were alerted to the contamination when those shoveling down the half-pound cheesy bean & rice burrito™ began to complain of the runs, rather than the usual nausea and cardiac arrhythmia.
— Larry, Heart Attack Monkey, Light Reading