As spring training continues for Major League Baseball, Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) has lost a key player to injury, as vice president Sean Maloney went down in a skiing accident last weekend.
The injury leaves a hole in tomorrow's OFC keynote rotation, which was to feature Maloney. Intel coaches have named Eric Mentzer, chief technical officer of the company's communications group, as his fill-in. An experienced pitcher, Mentzer is a hard-throwing right-hander with a lifetime 3.31 ERA but is more accustomed to throwing long relief.
"We'll just have to take it one game at a time, and everyone's out there giving 110 percent," said one Intel staffer (well, one person who knows some Intel staffers) who declined to be named.
Maloney did not make the team flight to Atlanta, remaining in the Bay Area to nurse his broken ribs and injured back. (We do wish him a speedy recovery, in all seriousness.)
OFC could be facing another glum show, thanks to the sagging economy and the U.S. strike against Iraq. Still, the keynote spot is valuable to Intel, as executives want to strengthen the company's name in the optics world.
Other keynote speakers tomorrow include Bill Smith, chief technology officer of BellSouth Corp. (NYSE: BLS), and the venerable Kevin Kalkhoven of Kalkhoven Pettit and Levin Ventures LLC.
— Craig Matsumoto, Senior Editor, Light Reading
For up-to-date information about the coming OFCConference, please visit Light Reading’s Unauthorized OFC Site.