Heptagon Adds COO
Andreas Herren, ex-Acterna, named chief operating officer
November 9, 2001
ESPOO, Finland, and ZURICH -- Heptagon, aleading supplier of micro-optical products, today announced the appointmentof Andreas Herren as Chief Operating Officer. He will assume his position onJanuary 1, 2002, and will be based in Zurich. He currently holds a positionas CEO of Acterna Zurich AG, which belongs to the multi-national, U.S.-basedtelecom equipment maker Acterna Corporation. Mr. Herren has led the unitover the last years during a phase of accelerated growth, almost triplingits size in three years.Andreas Herren has more than 15 years of experience in various managementpositions in an international environment in both the telecom and themanufacturing industry. He holds an engineering Masters degree and a Masterin Industrial Management from ETH Zurich. “We are very happy to welcomeAndreas Herren to Heptagon. He will add vast international managementexperience to Heptagon and will be a valuable asset to us in our expansionprocess. His achievements in Acterna – the development of a market strategyand its successful implementation, personnel management, business processre-engineering, build-up and development of a management team – will beimportant for Heptagon, when strengthening our position globally among themanufacturers of optoelectronics”, says Jyrki Saarinen, CEO of Heptagon.Heptagon Oy
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