MILAN, Italy -- Italtel, one of the leading companies in the supply of products, solutions and services for next generation communication networks, announced that has reached an agreement with Tellas, the major alternative telecom operator in Greece, for the supply of a Next Generation Network (NGN) for innovative Voice and IP services and for the deployment of a Metro Ethernet Network.
The NGN solution provided by Italtel guarantees the full interworking with Tellas existing legacy infrastructure for Voice services and enables the delivery over an IP network of new enhanced telephony and rich content services for residential and business customers with complete feature parity with the traditional telephony services.Italtel will also supply a Metro Ethernet Network with IP capabilities for advanced traffic management to support both Tellas existing broadband Internet services and the new services managed by the NGN. Besides, Italtel will act as overall system integrator to seamlessly integrate the NGN and Metro Ethernet solutions into the operator’s network.
The solution selected by Tellas is based on the Italtel NGN architecture and on the Italtel softswitch (i-SSW) controlling both Access Nodes and CPEs. Network scalability, reduction of operational costs, complete interoperability with the current voice networks, capabilities to easily develop and offer innovative, new generation services for the service provider customers: these are the tangible advantages that the solution offers with respect to other competitive proposals.
The efficiency and robustness of the proposed Italtel platform have been already demonstrated by its usage in domestic and international network infrastructures of several European telecommunication providers, in Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Poland as well as in Latin America and, recently, in the Middle East area.
“We are extremely pleased that Tellas has chosen Italtel for the development of their network”, said Antonio Cassese, EVP Sales Operations International Markets for Italtel, “and even more that they selected Italtel as System Integrator for the evolution towards the next generation networks and services. Italtel has been operating in Greece for several years now and this agreement will allow us to further reinforce the leadership position we hold in the softswitch, NGS and NGN market segments in Emea in terms of revenues, as recently confirmed by qualified market analysts.”
Italtel SpA