DANVILLE, Calif. -- TelEvolution (www.phonegnome.com), developer of PhoneGnome™, the telephony industry’s first true PSTN to Internet telephony solution, today announced the newest capability of the PhoneGnome family, GnomeLink™ for Skype. GnomeLink extends the capability of PhoneGnome, adding interoperability with Skype. GnomeLink allows PhoneGnome users to call Skype users from their PhoneGnome-enabled home phone, and to answer Skype calls on their PhoneGnome-enabled home phone.
“GnomeLink is another step towards allowing people to make calls any way that they choose to,” said David Beckemeyer, developer of PhoneGnome and GnomeLink. “Our goal with the PhoneGnome product family has always been to bring all telephony worlds together – PhoneGnome calls, ordinary PSTN calls and SIP calls, all on your regular home phone. With GnomeLink we’ve added the Skype community into the mix.”
PhoneGnome with the new GnomeLink capability means users can now make and receive PSTN, PhoneGnome, SIP, and Skype calls, on the same phone, all using the same voicemail and calling features.
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