The Siemens Information and Communication Networks Group has received an order from the Norwegian new telecommunication operator Enitel to supply its DWDM platform TransXpress Infinity MTS. By implementing this system, Enitel will become one of the first operators in Europe capable of transmitting 10-Gbit/s signals via DWDM technology (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing). TransXpress Infinity MTS will initially be installed on three sections. As part of a framework agreement, the route will be extended to a length of 4000 kilometers using optical network technology over the next years. Under the terms of the turnkey contract, Siemens is responsible for consulting, planning, installation and maintenance of the Infinity MTS systems. At present, Enitel is still primarily active in Norway. DWDM products will enable Enitel to significantly expand its portfolio of high-bit-rate data services - and even extend its operations beyond Norwegian borders for the first time.