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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
Eyespot remixes Sony BMG
5:35 PM – The folks at Eyespot Corp. are up to a little more than meets the eye.
This link -- http://upload1.musicbox.sonybmg.com -- forwarded by a friend, confirms at least one of Eyespot's still-unannounced white label customers as Sony BMG. But this link -- http://mashup1.musicbox.sonybmg.com/search?cmd=Gallery&type=recentMixes shows the actual application at work, giving Chris Daughtry fans a chance to remix his latest video.
[Ed. note -- This post was updated at 2:00 PM ET, 2/15/06, to reflect a new link to the Sony BMG site.]This whole deal is interesting because Brightcove Inc. has been powering Sony BMG's Musicbox Video feature all by itself since June. Now it needs some help. How very Web 2.0.
But it also says something more about Eyespot, which I used to think of as a sort of dark match Jumpcut.
Not all of Eyespot's business is out in plain sight. The company sells a fully hosted service to other companies that want to create a social network around a brand, product, community, or whatever.
And by "solution", I mean all the Web hosting, transcoding, video editing software -- everything that performs the work of taking several different pieces of digital content and creating a totally new file on a server somewhere.
Take a look at what Sarkissian Mason built for NikeMashup.com and you'll get a sense of what Eyespot is aiming to do for some of the world's biggest brands.
If you ask Eyespot.com, they'd probably say the whole point of their main site is to be a sort of laboratory -- a brochure to the public. As so many video sharing sites are saying these days, they want to power a large social networking site as opposed to actually becoming one.
— Phil Harvey, Person of the Year, Light Reading
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